วันเสาร์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to Make Sure Your Flat Screen Monitor is Compatible

When you are in the process of shopping for a flat screen monitor, there are some things that you need to look out for beyond the features and gadgets that we discussed in our previous article. While it's prominent to plump a monitor that has the options and specs that you need, you also need to look out for monitor compatibility. Basically, you need to make sure that the flat panel monitor that you plump is compatible with your current video card, unless you also plan on upgrading your graphics card, but that's a whole dissimilar story in itself.

[b]Flat-panel Monitor[/b]

To clarify, if you have an older video card, you may only have a Vga input on it. This isn't ideal, so you may already want to consider upgrading your card. But if you can't or don't want to do this, then you can still get by with only having a Vga input. You'll just have to be rigorous when selecting a monitor so that you make sure it's compatible with your card.

Most monitors have Vga and Dvi connectors, but that's without fail not a rule. There are the exceptions, especially in higher end models where the only connectors will be Dvi and Hdmi. If you buy a monitor that doesn't have a Vga connector while having a video card that only has Vga input, then you'll find yourself in trouble when you perceive you can't use your new monitor with your current computer setup. Therefore when shopping, it's prominent to take observation of the specs of the monitor and make sure that it will work with your current graphics card.

Another compatibility issue to look out for is the native resolution of the monitor. If your video card doesn't hold the native resolution of the monitor that you are purchasing, then you may run into trouble. While you can get by without running the native res, you won't get the same photo capability as if you were running it. On a more serious note, if your card is old and the monitor you purchase has a large resolution, then you may get no photo at all. The bigger the monitor and the older your card, the higher the chance is that all you'll get is a black screen when trying to use your monitor.

So in conclusion, when shopping for a monitor, make sure that it will be compatible with your video card. Failure to do so could mean decreased image quality, or even forestall you from using your flat screen monitor, so be sure to pick something compatible.

How to Make Sure Your Flat Screen Monitor is Compatible

