วันเสาร์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

Monitor Enclosures Utilised to Guard facility facts Systems

Monitor enclosures are utilized to guard monitors and larger Lcd displays from harm when they are used for factory facts systems. Without these protective boxes, the factory facts law could be brought to its knees within minutes.

[b]Flat-panel Monitor[/b]

Factory facts systems are a very optic part of manufacturing life, without them the large televisions and monitors would vanish over night from our production facilities. These displays vary in size from 17" up to and along with 60" Lcd displays, these have a high speculation cost within a scheme so they do need to be protected, from all things along with dirt, fluid, truck drivers and heat.

Imagine if you had invested ,000 in a data range law only to find that the displays go down and have to be swapped out within a matter of weeks of commissioning the system, this would not look good for the scheme managers. So one of the best forms of strike is defense (we have all heard that - haven't we?)

So the best form of defense would be put all displays that are on the production line into monitor enclosures, these are designed to accommodate both the monitor and whether a small factor computer, thin client or content player, so all the content can be pulled from a source locally, this is why anything installing Sap or Scada look at monitor enclosures as prominent parts of the chain, without them the scheme is as useless as if it had no software.

With the lessened of use of Crt Tvs, the old computer enclosures are being decommissioned and being substituted with thin client enclosures, these too store a flat panel screen and a small computer, any way with more large monitors being used, this makes using 60" televisions a real choice for the scheme team to make the production facts law a part of the factory environment.

Monitor enclosures are relatively new to the factory floor and will admittedly be around for a amount of years before they are replaced.

Monitor Enclosures Utilised to Guard facility facts Systems

