วันอังคารที่ 8 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2554

Keep Your Computer Cool

If the computer after any hours' use suddenly rebooted and does not show any sign of principles failure, there could only be one thing. The computer is overheating.

[b]Flat-panel Monitor[/b]

Unknown to many, (especially those who are not into technological stuff) the computer could generate a large number of heat when it is in use. Adding video or sound cards could also add more heat generation from your computer.

The climatic characteristic inside the computer or laptop that has high-powered processors that runs with many applications reaches one hundred forty (140) degrees.

The more drives, memory and even colored lights stuffed in today's Cpus and laptops, the less space there is for internal air circulation. Join that with poor exhaust or surrounding ventilation, and systems slow, applications run poorly, or the computer could reboot to cool itself down, or crash altogether.

The popularity of cheap computers is fast increasing. Citizen are drawn to buying the cheap computers but they are not aware of the reductions made just so to meet the demand.

One of these reductions is the size as well as the effectiveness of cooling fans on the computer. As the computer gets warmer, the computer speed also gets slower.

With the proper cooling device in the computer, rest assured that the performance of the computer would be better. It could also increase the life of the computer, motherboard and the processor.

Cooling products help drop the climatic characteristic of the Cpu and its components by circulating, dissipating, cooling and pulling air from a desktop or laptop computer.

Some fans mount in the front drive bays of computers, while others slip into Pci slots to suck air out the back. Copper or aluminum "heat sinks" mount atop the processor to cool that device itself.

When buying a new computer, visit a retailer and touch the computer case to see how hot it gets. Reconsider adding supplementary fans to the Pci slots or atop the processor.

Other cooling tips consist of cleaning dust away from the Cpu's fan, or opportunity the unit and using a can of compressed air to blow dust off the components.

Keep the Cpu off the floor, and setup filters atop the fans, to sacrifice dust, pet fur or other debris from getting into the unit. A small electrical fan aimed to blow over the Cpu also can help disperse heat and cool the unit.

Keep the computer in a location where air can circulate freely. Holding the tower in a desk cabinet, leaving the doors open or removed to aid circulation also helps air to circulate inside the computer.

For normal office cooling, a flat-panel monitor, or Lcd, can sacrifice the number of heat generated, as compared to a traditional Crt monitor.

Laptop heat is especially common. Many road warriors, teleworkers and home office workers place the laptop indubitably upon their laps to work.

This not only can block exhaust fans, but can trap and build heat. Laptop pads dissipate heat by whether elevating the unit from the surface, or by using fans to help draw heat away from the device.

Many slot coolers are being marketed today. There are two things that you have to Reconsider before buying one. The intake of fresh cool air is very important. Case climatic characteristic drops with the intake fan in the case. T

he position of the fan is the other. It has to be positioned one slot away from the Agp card. The extra space would help the airflow inside the computer. This way the computer heat would be lessened.

Keep Your Computer Cool

